Frequently Asked Questions
- Errin Evans (Unlicensed)
Users may reset their own password by following the Forgot my Password reset flow. Two-factor reset requires contacting Admin to do it for you.
Admin may change within Settings menu from the Admin page:
On the Admin Page;
Navigate to the user;
Click the Settings (cog) icon next to the username;
Select Send Password Reset E-mail or Reset Two-Factor button.
Note: Reset Two-Factor will prompt the user to set it up when they supply a valid password.
Admin may change within Settings menu from the Admin page:
Navigate to the user;
Click the Settings (cog) icon next to the username;
Select Modify Group Settings.
Admin macy change within Settings menu from the Admin page:
Navigate to the user;
Click the Settings (cog) icon next to the username;
Deselect the Account is Active checkbox.
Confirm Tagger is getting power;
Confirm green lights are active on the box;
If both of those are good, trying cycling power to the box ONCE. Wait 5 minutes to establish connection.
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