Admin Users of the Specific Energy User Interface may use this guided to help create and manage users.
Admin TabAdmin Tab lets you create and manage users. | |
Access User SettingsThe Users table provides a view of all users and their login details. Modify user settings by clicking the gear icon next to the username. | |
Modify User SettingsAssign Admin privileges, revoke access, and reset-two factor or passwords from one location. Admin privileges allow users to access the Admin tab and change user settings. | |
Modify User Settings (Continued)Tag Configuration allows a user to modify Tags and alarm settings. Device Configuration allows users to assign/unassign service tags to devices (by others). Select Modify Group Settings to edit the user’s accessible device groups and read/write permissions for those groups. Delete User permanently removes an account’s privileges. | |
Modify Group SettingsThe color to the right of the selector shows the status of the permissions for each individual group: No permission setting, Read Only, or Read/Write. For instance, the groups under “Water” are green because the permission is being set by the “Water” group’s selection for this user. | |
Schedule CalloutsSchedule callouts for users by clicking the Calendar Icon under Schedule. Assign actions for a range of alarm severities. See the Alarm Tab for more info on severities. | |
Schedule Callouts (Continued)Select which devices a user receives alerts for. Set the range of alarm severities. Assign a backup for the callout after a set number of minutes. Drag the cursor along the calendar to highlight the days and hours the callout is active. | |
Organize GroupsUse “Groups” to edit device groups within your organization. Once devices are added to a group, users can be configured to see the group with Read Only or Read Write access. | |
DevicesAssign service tags to devices. This allows spare devices to replace pre-existing devices. |
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