Admin Users Support
Admin Users use this guide to help create and manage users.
Admin Tab Admin Tab lets you create and manage users. | |
Access User Settings The Users table provides a view of all users and their login details. Modify user settings by clicking the gear icon next to the username. | |
Modify User Settings Assign Admin privileges, revoke access, and reset-two factor or passwords from one location. Admin privileges allow users to access the Admin tab and change user settings. | |
Modify User Settings (Continued) Tag Configuration allows a user to modify Tags and alarm settings. Device Configuration allows users to assign/unassign service tags to devices (by others). Select Modify Group Settings to edit the user’s accessible device groups and read/write permissions for those groups. Delete User permanently removes an account’s privileges. | |
Modify Group Settings The color to the right of the selector shows the status of the permissions for each individual group: No permission setting, Read Only, or Read/Write. For instance, the groups under “Water” are green because the permission is being set by the “Water” group’s selection for this user. | |
Schedule Callouts Schedule callouts for users by clicking the Calendar Icon under Schedule. Assign actions for a range of alarm severities. See the Alarm Tab for more info on severities. The icon is amber if the user has not opted in to receive text alerts from Specific Energy. Callouts can still be configured but SMS alarms will not be delivered. Click the icon for required steps. | |
Schedule Callouts (Continued) Select which devices a user receives alerts for. Set the range of alarm severities. Assign a backup for the callout after a set number of minutes. Drag the cursor along the calendar to highlight the days and hours the callout is active. |
Organize Groups Use “Groups” to edit device groups within your organization. Once devices are added to a group, users can be configured to see the group with Read Only or Read Write access. | |
Devices Assign service tags to devices. This allows spare devices to replace pre-existing devices. |
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